welcome to planet pearlia!

Welcome to the start of my art project! I began working on this site in hopes to escape the cesspool of social media as well as having a place to practice my web design skills! Things will improve here as I learn new things about web development as well as come up with new ideas. I'm glad you have chosen to join me in that journey by visiting! Thank you!

I also hope for this site to be a place where you can learn a thing or two about coding, so please feel free to hop into inspect element and take a look at how I do things! Although I admit that I'm not the greatest, I do my best to make things as functional as possible, and I'm always looking for ways to improve and declutter my code. I try to keep things clean and readable to make sure things are easy to understand but if it's not clear to you, please feel free to ask me in my chat or send me an email! I'm always down to help people learn to code websites because it's one of the greatest methods of self expression in tech!

Although this site will always be a work in progress, I hope you can enjoy what I'm building, as well as the multiple individuals behind it. All good faith identities are welcomed here!

Planet Stamp Rainbow Alien stamp! Pixel Art Clouds stamp! 'Anti Internet' stamp! 'F-fuck you, I'm a princess' stamp! Rainbow Stamp! Fairy Kei Stars Stamp! Strawberry Sweets Stamp! 'Ghost Town' Stamp! 'Lame' Stamp! Another Starry Sky Stamp! Sakura Stamp!


our button

Do not hotlink!
Pearlia's Site!

2do for this shit

  • Recreate the blog page (make it standalone)
  • Ongoing work for the system section (as it works out for us)
  • Work on sharing paracosm stories and visuals
  • Work on the shrines!
  • Add pixel deco
  • Create a Webgarden

Patch Notes


bullet Shrines page got completely overhauled today! I also began work on the "As Miss Beelzebub Likes IT" shrine. This one will be MUCH more simple than the OMORI one so it won't take as long. See you soon!


bullet CSS clean-up, added pagedoll, started decorating more, changed the header a bit, and fixed some media querys. I have learned a lot in the short time I've been working on this site! Still have many plans so keep an eye out!


bullet This site is now domained as "PlanetPearlia.com!" Debated between .space and .com for a while but I think I'm ok with this.


bullet Added the FUCKING blog section (media querys for this was a nightmare for whatever reason.)


bullet Iframe enjoyers! Make sure you add this js script by Melon King to your site. It will make linking places in your site a whole lot easier! Added this to mine today and it's a lifesaver.


bullet Added site map and credits, will be updating more as I go!


bullet Fixed the audio player issues I was having, finally! JS is a nightmare but I'm slowly working it out.


bullet Added Chattable chatbox! Highly recommended over Cbox because it doesn't log IPs and it's way more customizable without the payment. It's also fully designed for Neocities!

bullet Updated marquees to not use deprecated html marquee tag (and they're also now infinite!)


bullet Added the mood section


bullet Spacing on mobile should now be fixed. I hate mobile flexboxes.


bullet Removed chatbox (IT DIDNT WORK LOL I'll figure it out later or replace it with cbox idk)


bullet Finished the first rendition of our site button! Pixel art animation is literal hell e88ampven if its just 4 frames. (YOU COULD NOT PAY ME ENOUGH!)



bullet Added a marquee for some cool sites I found while looking for inspo on here!

bullet Added links to the few social media we have. lol. There will be more added there later probably.

bullet Added this section. Cool!


bullet Began working on the site.

bullet Removed Herobrine

leave me a message! it can be anything

The front of the Marquee train! Plastic Dino's Site! Hunipyon's Site! Pastel Hell's Site! Poemdoll's Site! Prismatic Realm's Site! Sadgrl's Site! Cinni's Site! Sugar for Brains' Site! Ita's Site! Cloverbell's Site! Moo like a goat's Site! Chocolate Revel's Site! Middlepot's Site! Strawbebby's Site! Mooface's Site! Churupan's Site! Yapi's Site! Miilk's Site! Jay Space's Site Lost Letters' Site Lilith Dev's Site THIS IS A SPACER
The front of the Marquee train! Plastic Dino's Site! Hunipyon's Site! Pastel Hell's Site! Poemdoll's Site! Prismatic Realm's Site! Sadgrl's Site! Cinni's Site! Sugar for Brains' Site! Ita's Site! Cloverbell's Site! Moo like a goat's Site! Chocolate Revel's Site! Middlepot's Site! Strawbebby's Site! Mooface's Site! Churupan's Site! Yapi's Site! Miilk's Site! Jay Space's Site Lost Letters' Site Lilith Dev's Site THIS IS A SPACER