ENTER : hana!
Quick Overview
This will not be the most detailed description in the world, but I'm the most frequent fronter. I'll be doing most of the web design work as well as the story telling. Feel free to ask me about programming and/or the system. I may not be qualified to answer every question, we can learn together!
Hanako - My main source
Shio - My big brother
Millie - is a pain in the ass but its ok!
Saturnalia - My main parent figure forever.
Circé - You are my other half, always. Whether that be platonically or romantically, you will always have a place in my heart.
Ronnie - You're a loser!!!!!!!!!!
Rosalina - Even if we don't talk as much anymore, I love you forever!
Vivi (Plush Collective) - My darlings, life is extremely tough right now, I know it is, but I promise you, I'll be here with you through it all as long as you let me be.
Melody - you are a nerd !!!!!!!!!
I take on the appearence of the body.
Programming, web design, gaming
Favorite Food:
I really love apples. I have for years!
I'm a Miss Beelzebub, Queen Beelzebub, Sunny/ OMORI, Chihiro, and Cala Maria kinnie! It's strange, I'm aware. LOL