Pearlia System

Welcome to the Lotus Grotto

Welcome to V2 of my central art project and information hub! Here, you can learn about me and my system, the weird little quirks and stories in my head, as well as see how I progress as a self-guided graphic designer and web developer. I published this site on December 25th, 2023 and released V2 on August 15th, 2024!

I don't really intend to make and share tutorials and such on this site, but you can definitely take a look at my code and copy things! I am not at all a professional, so take EVERYTHING I do with a grain of salt, but I definitely know to how to make things functional.

I also pride myself on making things fun and interactive! Go around and click on things that look clickable! You never know with this site, something strange might happen!

I consider myself a social media refugee... I HATE modern social media with a sizable passion. I use it enough to get through my days and boost my career, but beyond that, it is all incredibly dull and melancholy to me, as are most things designed with modern styles in mind. I am largely a maximalist, finding beauty in the most exquisite styles and comfort in the most cluttered environments. I love aesthetics like Frutiger Aero, Shabby Chic, 50s Vintage, 90s Popstar, "Coquette", and other aesthetics along those lines. I believe this site, and my many projects stemming from it, are representative of that.

Anyways, beyond all that rambling, thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy my little space online :)

Here's the New Button

Well, where it would be... It's on the way! Feel free to use the old one for now.

Here's the Old Button

Do not hotlink!

Pearlia's Site!

Patch Notes


bullet Added the Now Playing! pop up to all sections of the site.


bullet Added the webmaster rundown!


bullet Added Preview V2 and Button Wall


bullet V2.0 of the main layout has been shipped out! Reminiscent of the old one but completely rebuilt with clean CSS. All hail flexbox!


bullet Shrines page got completely overhauled today! I also began work on the "As Miss Beelzebub Likes IT" shrine. This one will be MUCH more simple than the OMORI one so it won't take as long. See you soon!


bullet CSS clean-up, added pagedoll, started decorating more, changed the header a bit, and fixed some media querys. I have learned a lot in the short time I've been working on this site! Still have many plans so keep an eye out!


bullet This site is now domained as "!" Debated between .space and .com for a while but I think I'm ok with this.


bullet Added the FUCKING blog section (media querys for this was a nightmare for whatever reason.)


bullet Iframe enjoyers! Make sure you add this js script by Melon King to your site. It will make linking places in your site a whole lot easier! Added this to mine today and it's a lifesaver.


bullet Added site map and credits, will be updating more as I go!


bullet Fixed the audio player issues I was having, finally! JS is a nightmare but I'm slowly working it out.


bullet Added Chattable chatbox! Highly recommended over Cbox because it doesn't log IPs and it's way more customizable without the payment. It's also fully designed for Neocities!

bullet Updated marquees to not use deprecated html marquee tag (and they're also now infinite!)


bullet Added the mood section


bullet Spacing on mobile should now be fixed. I hate mobile flexboxes.


bullet Removed chatbox (IT DIDNT WORK LOL I'll figure it out later or replace it with cbox idk)


bullet Finished the first rendition of our site button! Pixel art animation is literal hell e88ampven if its just 4 frames. (YOU COULD NOT PAY ME ENOUGH!)



bullet Added a marquee for some cool sites I found while looking for inspo on here!

bullet Added links to the few social media we have. lol. There will be more added there later probably.

bullet Added this section. Cool!


bullet Began working on the site.

bullet Removed Herobrine

Credits to LilithDev!